Implementing Blind Spots in Autonomous Vehicles Truly Minimize Accidents

Self-driving Cars Depend on LIDAR, a Rotating Radar System

From an optimistic standpoint, proponents of AVs argue that these technological marvels have the potential to revolutionize traffic safety. The envisioned scenario involves a reduction in accidents, as AVs are equipped with advanced sensors and machine learning algorithms that can navigate traffic situations with a precision often unmatched by human drivers. This anticipated improvement in road safety aligns with broader societal goals, promising not only a decrease in the human toll of accidents but also economic and social benefits. Additionally, the proponents argue that AVs could contribute significantly to environmental preservation by optimizing traffic flow, reducing congestion, and minimizing carbon emissions.

However, a counter-narrative emerges, cautioning against the unbridled enthusiasm for AVs. Critics express concerns over the vulnerability of these sophisticated systems to hacking, potentially compromising the safety and privacy of individuals on board. The prospect of cyber attacks leading to unauthorized control of AVs raises pressing questions about data security and the potential exploitation of sensitive information by malicious entities. Furthermore, skeptics argue that the advent of AVs may introduce complex liability issues, particularly in situations where accidents do occur. Determining responsibility in such scenarios, involving a mix of human and machine decision-making, poses a legal conundrum that society must grapple with. Additionally, there are apprehensions about the environmental impact of AVs, as the manufacturing and operation of these vehicles may contribute to increased carbon emissions, challenging the notion of their ecological sustainability. Moreover, concerns are raised regarding the potential health risks associated with prolonged exposure to autonomous technology and the psychological implications of entrusting crucial driving decisions to machines.

In this nuanced discourse, the duality of perspectives underscores the need for a comprehensive and balanced evaluation of the societal implications of widespread AV adoption. The potential benefits in terms of safety, economic advantages, and environmental gains must be weighed against the legitimate concerns related to privacy, cybersecurity, liability, and unforeseen environmental consequences. As the evolution of autonomous technology continues, a multidimensional approach that addresses these intricate facets becomes imperative for steering a course toward a future where AVs contribute positively to the fabric of our mobility landscape.

Blind Spots

In the contemporary automotive landscape, the integration of driver assistance technologies has become ubiquitous, ushering in a new era of road safety and accident prevention. These technologies, encompassing a diverse array of features, play a pivotal role in mitigating risks, saving lives, and preventing injuries on the extensive network of roads that crisscross our nation. From systems that provide timely warnings about potential collisions to those designed to take decisive action to avert accidents, the spectrum of driver assistance technologies is vast, reflecting a commitment to enhancing the safety of vehicular travel.

One facet of driver assistance technologies revolves around preemptive warning systems that act as vigilant guardians on the road. These systems are engineered to analyze real-time data, employing sensors and advanced algorithms to assess the driving environment. When a vehicle's trajectory or the behavior of nearby vehicles suggests an imminent collision, these technologies spring into action, issuing timely warnings to the driver. These warnings serve as a crucial line of defense, providing drivers with precious seconds to react and take evasive maneuvers, thereby averting potential disasters. The success of such warning systems lies in their ability to augment human intuition with technological precision, creating a synergistic approach to accident prevention.

However, the evolutionary trajectory of automotive technology extends beyond mere warnings to encompass systems capable of autonomous intervention. Automated driving systems represent the zenith of this evolution, promising not just warnings but proactive measures to avoid collisions. These systems leverage cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to navigate complex traffic scenarios and make split-second decisions. In critical situations where human reflexes might fall short, these systems step in, assuming control of the vehicle to execute evasive actions. The seamless integration of automation into driving is a testament to the relentless pursuit of greater safety benefits in the automotive domain.

As we delve into the intricate landscape of driver assistance technologies, it becomes evident that the overarching goal is to continually elevate the safety standards of vehicular travel. The evolution of these technologies represents a commitment to innovation and a proactive stance in addressing the inherent risks associated with driving. Beyond the tangible benefits of accident prevention, the ripple effects extend to the broader realms of societal well-being, economic sustainability, and the overall experience of transportation.

Looking ahead, the trajectory of automotive technology suggests a future where the synergy between human drivers and intelligent machines becomes even more seamless. The ongoing research and development in the realm of automated driving systems hold the promise of transforming vehicular travel into a safer, more efficient, and less stressful experience. It is a future where accidents are not just mitigated but, in many cases, altogether prevented through the symbiotic partnership between humans and their artificially intelligent driving companions.

The landscape of driver-assist technologies is on the cusp of a transformative shift, reaching a tipping point where these innovations are poised to assume control over the majority, if not all, aspects of the driving task. Advocates of automated driving (AD) are animated by the profound potential it holds to revolutionize mobility and usher in sweeping societal benefits. This paper embarks on a meticulous exploration of AD's capacity to yield safety benefits, interrogate established assumptions, and unearth overlooked barriers. As automated vehicle (AV) technologies progress and integrate into an omnipresent cyber-physical world, they bring to the fore a host of additional issues that demand careful delineation and further research. Lessons gleaned from the realms of aviation and space, where issues of automation, sociotechnical complexity, and systems resilience are well-trodden, hold valuable insights that can guide the nuanced development of automated driving.

At the heart of the discourse on automated driving lies a fervent optimism about its potential to redefine the safety landscape of transportation. Proponents envision a future where accidents are minimized, if not eradicated, through the precision and rapid decision-making capabilities of automated systems. The promise of AD lies not only in preventing human errors but in creating an ecosystem where vehicles communicate seamlessly, anticipate potential risks, and navigate complex scenarios with a level of sophistication that transcends human capabilities. As we stand on the precipice of this transformative era, it is imperative to scrutinize these expectations, acknowledge potential challenges, and delve into the intricacies that may shape the trajectory of automated driving.

Yet, in our enthusiasm for the promises of AD, it is crucial to confront and challenge preconceived notions. Assumptions about the uniform acceptance of automated technologies, their flawless integration into diverse sociocultural contexts, and the unswerving reliability of algorithms demand careful reevaluation. The transition to automated driving is not just a technological shift; it is a sociotechnical transition that requires a deep understanding of human behavior, societal attitudes, and the intricate interplay between technology and culture. This necessitates a holistic examination that goes beyond the technological prowess of AVs to consider the broader implications for society, ethics, and the very fabric of our transportation systems.

Moreover, the integration of AVs into our daily lives introduces a new dimension of challenges that extend beyond the immediate purview of technology. Questions of cybersecurity, data privacy, and the ethical dimensions of decision-making by autonomous systems come to the forefront. As AVs become integral to the fabric of smart cities and interconnected transportation networks, issues of infrastructure, regulatory frameworks, and standardization take center stage. Lessons from aviation and space applications, where these challenges have been grappled with for decades, offer valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of automated systems within a complex sociotechnical environment.

A joint effort by researchers from the U.S. and Japan has unveiled the potential vulnerability of autonomous cars to laser attacks, posing risks to both the vehicles and pedestrians. The findings suggest that a laser assault could blind the autonomous car's sensors, thereby removing pedestrians from its field of view, creating hazardous situations for individuals in its trajectory. The integral technology at risk is LIDAR, a laser-based radar system employed by self-driving cars to perceive their environment. LIDAR, short for Light Detection and Ranging, operates by emitting laser lights and analyzing their reflections to ascertain distances from the vehicle to surrounding obstacles.

In a groundbreaking revelation, researchers have reported the first-ever instance of a LIDAR system being manipulated to disrupt obstacle detection. Successful spoofing requires a significant level of precision in timing the laser signal directed at the LIDAR sensor. Interestingly, the data required for synchronization is publicly available from LIDAR manufacturers, as highlighted by one of the researchers associated with the study in a press release.

These tests were conducted with the aim of enhancing the reliability of sensor systems. As a result of these findings, manufacturers of such systems have an opportunity to fortify their software against potential attacks. By implementing updates, these systems can become more adept at detecting instances of manipulation and seamlessly switch to alternative obstacle detection mechanisms. Alternatively, future iterations of the hardware could incorporate enhanced defenses to safeguard against potential laser attacks, showcasing the ongoing commitment to advancing the security and robustness of autonomous vehicle technologies.

As autonomous car systems become increasingly prevalent, the vulnerability of LIDAR systems to potential attacks emerges as a significant concern, particularly in a scenario where human intervention is absent. An assault on a LIDAR system has the potential to induce confusion in autonomous vehicles, leading to catastrophic consequences. It is imperative to address and mitigate these vulnerabilities in the early stages of autonomous vehicle development to ensure the safety and reliability of these innovative technologies.

The research outcomes shedding light on these vulnerabilities have been disseminated through the pre-print website, marking a crucial contribution to the understanding of potential threats to autonomous vehicle systems. Furthermore, the findings are set to be presented at the prestigious 2023 USENIX Security Symposium, providing a platform for the broader scientific community and industry stakeholders to engage in discussions and collaborative efforts aimed at fortifying the security infrastructure of autonomous vehicles. This proactive approach to sharing insights and knowledge is instrumental in fostering a collective commitment to advancing the safety and resilience of autonomous transportation systems.


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Transforming a Culinary Repertoire with Chicken

Inspiring the taste buds and the gourmet in you, chicken dishes have come home to roost as the ubiquitous food which has crossed cultural horizons to offer the palate passion and pleasure. Hitting the culinary spotlight with a cadenza of flavor and aroma, the simple chicken or Gallus gallus domesticus displays a mild taste and with its uniform texture can be transformed into any type of culinary concoction.

Making inroads into a vast culinary arena, chicken has conquered the world with a rich and delicious history. Journeying into a delicious path, the famous chicken has traversed through global terrain and has made an impression with its accessibility, low cost, nutritional value and versatility. As an all-time favorite, the chicken absorbs the flavors of any ingredient and has been used in innovative ways around the globe.

Explore Versatile, Vibrant and Vivacious Chicken Dishes

Binoy Nazareth has been known for his culinary skills and expertise in whipping up an awesome array of delicious dishes fit for the gods. He says that the much-loved and much-favored chicken has the ability to transform into a delicious dish whether it is grilled, barbecued, roasted, pan-seared, deep-fried or just used in a gravy, curry, stew, soup or sauce. With its flavor-absorbing base, chicken has been the inspiration of myriad recipes right from BBQ Chicken pizza, Chicken tortillas to pot pies and curries.

Does anyone stop to think of the number of times that they have eaten chicken? Transforming itself into part and parcel of life, chicken has found its way into salads, chicken fingers, nuggets, soups and countless dishes which has soothed hunger pangs and satisfied even the fussiest eater. With almost every part of the chicken being used in dishes for lunch, dinner or snack time, it has turned out to be an inexpensive protein and a healthy meal option.

Chicken is King
Lauded by nutritionists all over the world, the chicken with its lean white meat contributes to a satisfying meal and is also low on calories. Being an intrepid traveler, Binoy emphasizes that a chicken dish when cooked in various ways is sure to satisfy the travel bug in you. He says that dishes taken from various cultures like curried chicken or enchiladas and infused with Indian or Mexican flavors can transport your traveling soul into an exotic dimension. Chicken inspires the gourmet in you where you can try out fusion cuisine, says Binoy who has experimented with even the most intricate chicken recipes from all over the world.

You can reinvent recipes, says Binoy, right from crispy fried to succulent roasted chicken which can speak volumes as a standalone dish or as a hearty meal. Binoy Nazareth delves into the aspirations of culinary talents to give you a favorite chicken recipe to suit any occasion or just a family dinner or lunch. Here is an all-time favorite which is guaranteed to fill the mind, body and soul with the wholesome spirit of taste and a delicious journey.

What you need:


Chicken drumstick with skin 8 pieces
¾ cup of Tomato sauce
2 Tablespoons of brown sugar
3 cloves of crushed garlic
½ cup of chicken stock
2 large onions sliced thin
I tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce

Equipment or cooking utensils needed:

1 saucepan
1 casserole dish
1 frying pan

What to do:


Take a clean saucepan and pour oil into it. Wait till it heats up and fry the crushed garlic.

Next, add one tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, ½ cup of chicken stock, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and ¾ cup of tomato sauce. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes while gently stirring the mixture.

Take a frying pan and pour oil in it. Wait till it heats up and brown the chicken drumsticks with the skin. Fry the chicken gently for a few minutes. Place the browned chicken drumsticks in a casserole and dribble the sauce over the chicken pieces.

Bake the chicken in the oven which has been heated up to 180C.

After 15 minutes, place the thinly sliced onion and baste.

Bake the chicken for 35 minutes while basting every 10 minutes.

Bon appétit! Your delicious American Chicken is now ready. Have a great meal!

Options & Add-ons

You can also use red wine instead of the Worcestershire sauce, water instead of chicken stock and chicken thighs can replace drumsticks.

American Chicken can be accompanied with bread, vegetables, salads and mashed potatoes.

This great dish can be accompanied with white wine, fruit or vegetable juice or a long cool drink.

Add on a scrumptious dessert for that finishing touch.

One of the oldest forms of food preservation, having arisen after the development of cooking with fire. Heat and smoke infuse a flavor into fish, ham, poultry, and meat and prevent the growth of microbes. Is an effective way to preserve food but care must be taken to avoid contamination and illness. By supplying a consisted temperature around 150 to 275 degrees F, with your wood chips at the heat source and food on the top rack with vapor continually flowing over your food. Will increase their palatability by adding flavor and imparting a rich brown color.
In Europe, the wood used most commonly for smoking is Adler, oak, and sometime becch. In North America, the woods used are alder, oak, hickory, pecan, mesquite, maple, and some fruit trees, like apple, cherry, and plum. Alternative materials have been used with the addition of seasoning ingredients.

Some ham and bacon suppliers smoke over burning corncobs. Barley malt for liquors is dried and smoked using burned humate. Hot smoking fish in New Zealand is done with the wood from the tea tree. And in Iceland cold smoked lamb, whale, mutton, and fish is done with dried sheep dung.
On the western farms, a smokehouse was used for preserving meats, this building was away from other building due to the fire danger, and the smoke emanating from it.

Smoking can be done in four ways: Cold smoking, Warm Smoking, Hot smoking, and Liquid smoke.
Cold smoking 68 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit, food is typically preserved by fermenting, salting, or curing before smoking and should be cooked before consumption, food remains raw, takes hours to weeks
Warm smoking 77 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, food remains raw, needs to be cooked before eating.

Hot smoking 10 to 275 degrees Fahrenheit, food is cooked by the heat of the gases of the fire, and smoke adds the flavor Hot smoking is a fantastic way to add flavor to your food, it is much faster than cold smoking and creates mouthwatering results. It is worth bearing in mind that hot smoking is not an effective method of food preservation and your products will require consumption within a couple of days even if kept refrigerated.

Liquid smoke a product derived from smoke compounds in water. A brownish-yellow liquid made by capturing and condensing the vapors from burning wet wood chips (usually hickory). Liquid smoke is used to add a smoky quality to foods in an attempt to capture the flavor of wood-fire grilling.

Visit this three popular historic places in Sakleshpur

 Sakleshpur is the wonderful slope station wrapped up the Western Ghats and it's a restoring entry. This town lies on the plant life and its actually open and its arranged on the Hassan area is the spot were significant harvests of espresso as well as cardamom are become here.

In Sakleshpur, you will see as amazing, for example, ridges, vegetation, bird watching, convenience offices like you can get Budget Homestay In Sakleshpur. Noteworthy spots have consistently drawn in numerous guests. Thus, examine the three most unmistakable recorded spots that everybody should visit.

Bettada Bhairaveshwara Temple



This sanctuary is situated at a high rise and inside you have a wanting to be in A/C room. The sanctuary is put in a very imperative position where it is enveloped by slopes toward each path. The stage around the sanctuary is created with the objective that people can dodge the sanctuary. It is grown absolutely with stones including the pinnacle and the crown (Kalasha). You can in like manner find in the photograph how water outlets have been given at the highest point of the sanctuary. Towards the honor are two or three plastic lines that might have been given lately, yet towards the left, you can see the stone-made downpour water outlet.

Arranged in the midst of the Western Ghats, Bettada Bhairaveshwara Temple is arranged in an astounding spot enveloped by enormous vegetation. Nature darlings will find harmony and serenity here. A varshika Abhisheka is held once in a year in the midst of January where enthusiasts from by and large around the spot will come here to take the endowments of Lord Bhairava.

Prasanna Rameshwara Temple, Devarunda


Prasanna Rameshwara Temple, Devarunda


Lovers visit Devotees from different pieces of India. Devarunda (the residence Gods), in any case called Dakshina Kashi, is a sanctuary complex that houses the heavenly creatures Veerabadreshwara, Rameshwara, Byreshwara, Parvati, Ganapathi, Channakeshva, and is regarded among Hindus.

Devarunda in one more manner to say "Devaru Ida Jaga" (the residence Gods), as acquired Kannada. This sanctuary is accepted to be north of 500 years old. One can venerate here, catch pictures as well as appreciate the eminence of this spot. Prasanna Rameshwara Temple is incredibly old sanctuary inside and a remodel is done to the outside piece of the structure complex to hold the greatness of this glorious spot.

Sakaleshwara Temple

Sakaleshwara Temple


Sakaleswara Temple is an astounding depiction of the fine enumerating as well as craftsmanship that was the indication of the Hoysala plan. This sanctuary is smaller than the standard sanctuaries in South India. Created between the 11th and fourteenth hundreds of years AD, the sanctuary offers the objective its name. The sanctuary dates from the period when the Hoysala Empire was at its apex. Sited at the section of the town, the sanctuary is an extra of the Hoysala Empire that controlled this region between the 11th and fourteenth many years AD.

Put on the banks of River Hemavathi, Sakleshwara Shiva Temple is a champion among the most beautiful sanctuaries of India. This sanctuary justifies visiting as people can find a couple of the critical attractions of Sakleshpur here. A brilliant cover gets the Shivalinga here, an enormous Shiva Idol roosted on the sanctuary and a basic admittance to the stream Hemavathi makes this visit a significant one.